Exploring the Role of Robotics in the Modern Workplace with Kevin Jr.

Kevin Kilkeary Junior, President of Prospera Health and Hospitality Services

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses across various industries are increasingly turning to robotics and AI to streamline operations and improve efficiency. However, with this technological evolution comes a mix of excitement and apprehension. At Prospera Health and Hospitality Services (PHHS), we believe in harnessing the power of robotics, not to replace human workers, but to assist them, making everyday tasks easier and more efficient.

Let’s Talk Robots


The Latest Robotic & Automation Trends

We sat down with Kevin Jr., a thought leader from PHHS, to discuss the latest trends, challenges and opportunities in robotics. He explains that one of the latest trends in the industry is humanoid robots, something the PHHS team is currently diving into with research and testing.

“A humanoid robot can do a lot of different things and is built into a human structure. The world is built for humans, so it is helpful to have something with the same structure, to make things easy to adapt to for humans.”

-Kevin Kilkeary Jr.

Another prevailing trend in robotics is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The most used robots right now are functional, such as vacuums. Humans can vacuum a room, but a robot saves you time and frees up your hands to do something else. In businesses, this can mean an increase in the return on investment (ROI) of your team. Using AI in these types of robots takes it to another level. Conditional logic and technology can spark the robot to start cleaning without you even having to press start.

Before we start working with this new technology, our team will continue to do more research. In the meantime, we’ve got an impressive variety of autonomous robots ready for you.

View Our Robot Fleet


Robot Integrations: Concerns and Misconceptions

Change can be scary. Many of us tend to push back on change, but it isn’t just the change that unsettles people.

“Employees sometimes think that they will be replaced and this gives pushback to ownership. You might be hiring the wrong people to do the job. When you can't get people or find people to do the jobs that need to be done, robots can be the ones to do that work. From a consumer point of view, they don't care how the restaurant gets clean, but I will only eat there if it is clean.”

- Kevin Kilkeary Jr.

Our advice? Give it a try! Start by thinking about the exact need you have that you want a robot to fulfill or assist you with. Consider the ROI. Do you have a job that needs to be done over and over? Figure out how much that currently costs you and compare that number to the purchase of a robot that can do the job for you.

Read About Our Successful Pilot Program


What Can Robots Do to Support My Business?

From our experience, service robots are extremely popular among our clients. These types of robots include waiter robots, delivery robots and guide robots.

The runner-up are our cleaning robots, taking care of windows, pools and floors.

Check Out Our Cleaning Robots


Embracing the Future of Technology

It’s clear that robotics and AI will continue to develop and stretch into the workplace. At PHHS, we’re committed to leading the way in this new era, ensuring that the technologies we offer are safe, effective and designed to enhance human capabilities rather than replace them.

“Robots are not here to replace jobs, they are here to make us all more efficient. This next era of technology will be presenting lots of opportunities, and PHHS is going to be here to vet out technology so we can ensure we are using safe and secure products. The products that we sell now are all task-oriented, but the robots of the future will have even more capabilities and we are committed to being the front line for vetting these robots.”

- Kevin Kilkeary Jr.

By embracing robotics, businesses can look forward to a future where technology and human workers collaborate to optimize efficiency in business operations.

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